Over a decade of overcoming loneliness through relationship-centred, excellence accredited befriending services.

Learn more about what we do and how we got here.tt
Volunteer with us today to help reduce lonelieness.
Refer someone who may be in need of our services. 1234567
Donate what you can to help fund our work in the community.

"The best thing about befriending is the joy and thanks form the person you visited, knowing you have made a difference to their day"


"The need for human contact and a contact that is interested in me makes the biggest difference in my life."

scheme member


To me, Befriending (by phone) means giving someone a virtual hug to let them know that I am there for them and which I hope brightens up their day.

"Always good to get your own life into perspective and be thankful for what you've got. Enriches the general tapestry of life."


"The good feelings I get from doing something good. Know my scheme member needs my company as she does not see anyone else, that fulfils me."


"Hearing about her (befriender) social life helps me feels like I'm in the world."

Scheme member

Support us today

Your donations and support helps to change lives and overcome loneliness

Could you support us financially? In doing so you will enable us to positively connect with older people who feel ‘invisible’, ‘forgotten’, and ‘alone’.

Regular monthly or one off donations make a significant difference to our Charity.

We need the generous support of our community, both big and small to improve the lives of society's most lonely, isolated and vulnerable older people.