Time to Refresh!
Spring is finally here and slowly we are beginning to come through the other side of lockdown. There is no denying that this past year has been challenging for everyone. But as a charity we also feel extremely blessed by the way in which communities, individuals and groups came together. To join forces for the greater good and together we have achieved so much more than would have done alone!
As a charity we continue to have the privilege of witnessing the way in which joining together two people, quite often from different generations, can mutually transform lives. So, when we hear comments like “having someone to talk to is like a ray of sunshine in my life” (scheme member) and “to hear the joy in their voice makes the call so worth while” (Volunteer) it brings us joy as well!
We are working on safe ways to begin to connect our members and volunteers together and we will share information about services and offers available to you as and when restrictions ease. In the meantime we are hopeful that this new season will be full of refreshment, renewal and regeneration.
In the spirit of refreshment, renewal and regeneration we are therefore proud to present a refresh of our branding thanks to the expert design skills of one our volunteer befrienders Ellen Stewart. Our website has also been upgraded and is looking amazing thanks to volunteer befriender Paul Cooke and his partner Ben Parsons from Design Kind.

Our new branding is very important to us as we transition from responding to the crisis to this new phase which we are calling Staying Together Recovering Together. We are motivated to help our scheme members and volunteers to feel part of a community which values them. We are proud to be supporting over 500 unique and special befriending matches at this time.
Although befriending has been mostly over the telephone for the past year, these calls have proven to create meaningful moments of connection between people who would never have the chance to meet otherwise. We therefore wanted a strapline which encompasses the importance of our relationship-centred work ‘in the heart of the community’.
We hope you like it?!